Anna University Reopening Date | Reopening Date of Engineering Colleges at Tamilnadu | Arts College reopening date at Tamilnadu | Sri lankan Tamil issue

YES Last TN Government Announced REOPENING Date of Colleges in Tamilnadu :
All Anna University Affiliated Colleges Will Reopens On APRIL 3 (3/04/2013) Officially Confirmed By TN Govt
Upadte on 1/04/2013 @ 10:45 AM
Anna University Reopening Date | Reopening Date of Engineering Colleges at Tamilnadu | Arts College reopening date at Tamilnadu | Sri lankan Tamil issue
To draw students attention , Anna University Published Time Table for Even Semester May/June 2013 exams , and then recently the 1st semester exam result  published for UG / PG jan 2013 exams .

When is Anna University Re Open Engineering Colleges in Tamilnadu ?

To answer for now, 
Anna University Re-Opening Date for Affiliated Colleges  is  April 3, 2013 [ CONFIRMED]
For more details, contact your College Admin .Individual College may function on their own to complete academic pendings .
Note :
It is subjected to Change on any time , on the Re Opening date of Anna University & Affiliated Colleges . Anything that goes by the time will be updated instantly here for your informations . - the best dating site for sexy, successful singles! - the best dating site for successful singles!